• Question: why can't we fly

    Asked by to Fiona, Darren, Anna on 23 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Fiona McLean

      Fiona McLean answered on 23 Jun 2014:

      Ahh! But we can! We can fly in aeroplanes and gliders and helicopters. I know what you mean though. We can’t fly because we aren’t designed to-we don’t have wings and we are too heavy. Birds which can fly have wings to propel and glide and have hollow bones to make themselves light enough to get off the ground. The reason we can’t fly and birds can though is because we have evolved to fit into different niches. We dominate the ground so we never need to try and escape to the skies like birds do. It would have been cool if we had evolved to fly though! Maybe in a few thousand years or so…

    • Photo: Zhiming Darren Tan

      Zhiming Darren Tan answered on 24 Jun 2014:

      We’re not strong enough to. Plus we don’t have wings.
