• Question: what causes people to fall in love?

    Asked by to Anna, Elaine, Fiona, Kevin, Darren on 23 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Elaine Cloutman-Green

      Elaine Cloutman-Green answered on 23 Jun 2014:

      I’m a romantic, which I know kind of contradicts my scientific side. I believe in love at first sight, I knew my husband was the man for me the minute I saw him.

      There’s all kind of studies on attractiveness and what appeals to each gender. Signs that women will be able to produce children, signs that men are fertile and able to provide for women. Also lots of work on smells and you picking up on pheromones.

      I think all of those physical things play a strong part, but i also believe that as humans with self awareness there’s a lot that is determined by our minds as well as our bodies and that we know as individuals those traits we value in a partner and are capable of actively searching those out.

    • Photo: Anna Bramwell-Dicks

      Anna Bramwell-Dicks answered on 24 Jun 2014:

      I’m a cynic and I’m a scientist and I’m single so I’m a little bit bitterMATOMO_URL And I am yet to see a convincing definition of what love actually is, so I do not really believe that “falling in love” exists.

      That said, I believe in compatibility and companionship and friendship and attraction… do these things altogether equate to love? I don’t really know.

      If they do equate to love, then I guess people fall in love when they find someone who they are compatible with and attracted to.

      *okay, I’m very bitter.
