• Question: how do you cope with bullies in science

    Asked by to Fiona on 19 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Fiona McLean

      Fiona McLean answered on 19 Jun 2014:

      The first thing is to get your thoughts clear. So decide what you don’t like that is happening, how often it’s happening and how it is affecting you. Sometimes it helps to write all this down. If you get these things clear in your head then the next step is to go to someone who can help change the situation. So for me that would be my supervisor, my advisor or the head of the graduate school. For you that would be your teacher, the support staff that work in your school or even your head teacher. I always think with things like bullying that things always get better once you have talked to someone about it. And once it’s out there that’s when things can start changing. The important thing to remember is that nobody can tell you how to be or what you should think. You are your own person and that’s what’s so great about people being different.
